MMV hosted an introduction to Cave Rescue Seminar in         co-operation with the Perryville Police and fire department. It was well attended with well over 30 cavers from five states.,20 firefighters from Perryville and Cape Girardeau There were also ten NCRC instructors from Indiana, Missouri and Kentucky. The MMV telephone were stretched from the entrance all the way to the annex crossover. The room where the atria is used to access the. The Annex crossover room was  renamed "The atrium room" due to some confusion over the phones.  The French  word etrier  for the  webbing  ladder used to climb up the ledge was misinterpreted as the atrium. Two "Victims" were transported out of the cave on Sunday using techniques we learned on Saturday at the Perryville fire station. There was TV coverage in Cape as well as newspaper coverage on Perryville and Cape Girardeau. MMV also scored a detailed map of the sinkholes and drainage in Perryville.